
Abenomics’ predictable failure

When it was announced that in Q4 2015 Japan’s GDP was shrinking by a whopping 1.4% on an annualised basis it confirmed that the land of the rising sun is [...]

The real minimum wage is still zero

The UK labour market has a persistent malaise: low productivity and the resulting anaemic wage growth. This has been a feature of the British economy since the [...]

The great steel robbery

UK industry has been in decline for decades, and for the very good reason that production costs are simply too high to compete with Asia and other [...]

Does the trade deficit matter?

The trade balance is getting a lot of attention in the US presidential primaries, due to Donald Trump’s anti-trade rhetoric. Trump wants trade barriers to [...]

Chinese recession is coming

For the last couple of years the talk has been of a Chinese ‘hard landing’, meaning growth dropping below the 6-8% we have witnessed the last few years. [...]

Iain Duncan Smith: politics, not economics

The resignation of Iain Duncan Smith dominates headlines, and for good reasons: the narrative that the Bullingdon Club boys in the Conservative government are [...]

Why the EU referendum is not so important after all

The general consensus among believers in free markets is that the UK should vote to leave the EU in the June referendum. And as a general principle, the chance [...]

Fed and BoE rate decisions: central bankers peddling fiction

Time flies. It is only few months back when everyone thought the Federal Reserve was going to raise US interest rates again at their March meeting. Well, it [...]

Another big government budget for the UK

George Osborne is a prudent man. Like any financially responsible person, he is aware that you need to produce before you can consume. In his own words, he [...]

More on the gender pay gap: what’s the problem?

Last week's International Women’s Day had a theme: Pledge for Parity! The problem is, you see, that women are paid less than men, and the pay gap won’t [...]